Kelly Bunnell, CMCA, AMS, PCAM
Ms. Bunnell has been involved in the community association property management industry since 1997. As a Board member of her own Association (a 200-townhome, 33-acre planned unit development), she has held the office of President for over 11 years.
During that time, she worked to bring her Association from the brink of bankruptcy to a financially stable entity, and accomplished an almost complete renovation of her community that had suffered extreme neglect and theft of Associations funds by several management companies and previous Board members.
Her work was recognized by the Orange County Chapter of the Community Associations Institute (CAI), where she received the prestigious “Board Member of the Year” in the Veteran Category, and Newsletter of the Year awards, as well as being nominated for an award in the Green Conservation category.
Ms. Bunnell’s professional career is recognized throughout the industry as one of professionalism, knowledge and results. She holds the designations of CMCA (Certified Manager of Community Associations), AMS (Association Manager Specialist), and PCAM (Professional Community Association Manager) – the highest designation awarded in the Community Association Manager industry through CAI and CAMICB. Ms. Bunnell is an active member in the Orange County, Los Angeles and Channel Islands Chapters of CAI, and her article on the use of mobile technology was published in the Orange County Chapter’s magazine.
Ms. Bunnell has first-hand experience in the frustration that all Board members have through high priced contracts with endless ‘extras’ charged, impersonal and unresponsive staff members, constant manager changes, and internal procedures that benefit the management company at the Associations’ expense – it permeates the industry. She also understands what services are important to Board members – services which may not be as important to the management company or excessively charged for.
She focused on those Board member values, and how the priority for integrating them into a flexible service contract would truly meet the needs of an Association.
Combining business and professional management expertise with a thorough understanding of what associations are looking for in a management company, she opened the doors to Bentley Community Management. Bentley’s mission is simple: to offer a truly different management company experience through services designed to meet the needs of the association while developing long-lasting, relationships with individual residents that are grounded in trust and respect. Bentley is a refreshingly new management experience, but its core operation through Ms. Bunnell’s style of management is well established in the industry.
Ms. Bunnell is committed to education, manager mentoring, and helping Directors who are fortunate enough to be a ‘Bentley Community’, govern their Associations.